How to Properly Wear and Maintain Your Open Carry Holster
When it comes to carrying a firearm, ensuring that you use your open carry holster correctly and maintain it properly is crucial for both safety and effectiveness. Open carry holsters, designed to hold your firearm in a visible manner, offer a range of benefits but also require specific practices to maximize their advantages. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to wear and maintain your open carry holster to ensure that it serves you well. Choosing the Right Open Carry Holster Before diving into the proper usage and maintenance of open carry holsters, it's essential to start with the right choice. Open carry holsters come in various designs, including OWB (outside the waistband) and IWB (inside the waistband). For this discussion, we'll focus on OWB concealed carry, which is a popular choice for those who prefer to keep their firearm easily accessible while maintaining a level of concealment. Fit and Comfort : The holster must fit both your firearm and your body comforta...